Proven Remedies And Treatments
Our Position On Insurance Companies
Although we accept all major credit cards, health savings, health reimbursement and flex account cards, we do not participate with insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. We are an out-of-network provider, therefore patients submit receipts on their own.
We Work For You – Not The Insurance Company
Alternative Health Solutions is dedicated towards improving the health of their patients, rather than be constrained by working for insurance companies.
Our Only Job Is To Get You Better
Our desire is to work with our patients with the single goal of restoring their health. To us, you are not just a procedure code on an insurance form. To us, the care you receive is not limited to what we know your insurance will pay for. To us, getting you better and keeping you better is the only thing that counts.
Why should people have only the time, treatment and health options that their insurance companies say they are entitled to? It is a shame that (for fear of a catastrophic injury or illness), the public is compelled to pay money to insurance companies. You pay your insurance company to limit you in your choices to pursue safe and natural health care.
The many referrals we receive from our patients are because we are the best at providing reasonably priced quality alternative health care – not because we are the best at over utilizing your insurance coverage. We would never x-ray, massage, adjust the spine, recommend physical therapy, exercise or any other therapy, just because your insurance company will pay for it. Conversely, we would never hold back therapies based on insurance company reimbursement.
For more than three decades, we have found that health conscious people want a better standard of care than insurance generally allows. This is not to say, that people who choose to accept only the treatments their insurance covers have a lowered standard towards addressing health and long life. Rather, our patients are open, health conscious individuals who have taken responsibility for their own health, because they realize what they need is just not available through traditional means. They are unwilling to be trapped in sickness by the dictates of insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
The Bottom Line… Getting You Better
Because a great deal of treatment therapies at Alternative Health Solutions are natural, non-drug, non-surgical methods, which are aimed to support, revitalize and help the body heal from within, insurance companies do not recognize their value. Keeping people healthy is not as profitable as perpetuating sickness by treating symptoms (not people) with drugs and surgery, and then treating the consequences with more drugs, etc.
The option to break free from insurance company limitations in order to pursue safer, more effective methods through natural and affordable health care, is what people need. Placing this option within reach of the community we serve is our mission.
“When you go into a hospital, go in with your eyes wide open. Medical Care, like so many other things, is problematic; it’s not a sure thing. Patients must understand hospitals are hazardous and medical care is a dangerous enterprise – you must be willing to put a considerable amount of energy into self-protection”.
Lowell Levin, M.D., Professor, Yale school of Medicine, Department of Public Health
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