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Our Approach

Our ApproachAlternative Health Solutions is a wellness center comprised of health professionals committed to providing our patients with healthcare that recognizes the whole person, delivering proven comprehensive and collaborative care that strives through natural means for elimination and prevention of disease.

In the late 1990’s, as Alternative Health Solutions sought to meet the growing needs of the community, in providing viable permanent alternatives to drugs and surgery offered by traditional medicine, a decision was made. Our center faced a definitive choice: whether to join with tradition medicine and offer a combination of “medical” and alternative therapies (known as complimentary medicine), or to lean strictly toward true natural healing, through Naturopathy and Energy Healing.

Based on years of experience and clinical results, the choice could only be for Naturopathy and Energy Healing. Alternative Health Solutions has been established since 1986. During our more than 3 decades of service to the community, what has set this practice apart from other healing centers, has been a commitment to getting sick people well, naturally. That is our mission and purpose.

Not only has our goal of developing a comprehensive natural healing center been fulfilled… but today, Alternative Health Solutions is among the most established, diversified natural healing centers in southeastern Michigan. That success is a direct result of referrals (rather than from advertising), by satisfied patients, who have regained their health, often after having lived with longstanding health challenges.

Each day in our office, patients experience dramatic, immediate and demonstrable results. Our committed natural approach to health challenges encompasses traditional therapies and techniques supported by time tested energy-based therapies, which are in part or in whole drawn from modern and ancient Eastern Medicine. These energy-based therapies are at the core of our programs of care, which sets Alternative Health Solutions apart from many other medical and so-called medical “alternative” centers.

The healing therapies in which Alternative Health Solutions specialize, are effective healing methods that have long been employed in the healing arts. These methods have undergone modern adaptation, and today medical scientists have proven why they work.

Although Alternative Health Solutions has been using natural therapies for more than 3 decades, recently these techniques have been accepted by the medical profession and are today being used on a limited basis within hospital settings (such as William Beaumont, Henry Ford, St. Joseph Mercy, to name a few).

Our approach although energy based, is scientifically supported by research and clinical results. Alternative Health Solutions is strictly committed to natural means of healing and will never compromise on the quality of care we offer to our patients.

“In this day and age the value of a second opinion cannot be underestimated. There’s a constant drumbeat from the media, urging people to look at this hospital for their new machines, or to that hospital for a new surgical technique. Radio and television and everything I read, seems to force drugs and surgery upon the public. Drugs, drugs and more drugs is all I see and read. It made me fearful of taking my doctor’s word.

I am so glad I came to Alternative Health Solutions for a second opinion. In my heart I knew there had to be a better way, and there was! Natural therapies worked for me. I am now pain free and drug free. Thank you Alternative Health!” ~ Anonymous – Redford, Michigan

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