As a young doctor, I was impressed by the work of Dr. Burr and Dr. Crile dating back to the 1930's. Dr. Crile formed the Cleveland Clinic in 1935. I marveled how ahead of their time they were. The following is something I happened to come across from more than 25 years ago. It is…
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Wikipedia defines Alternative Medicine as follows: Healing practice that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. At Alternative Health Solutions, we take it a step further, and define some words which may help you understand why Alternative Medicine is relevant, and why it matters to you. The Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary…
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The food you eat is a crucial factor in your body's functioning capabilities, but your digestive system also plays a key role in your health. If your body is not absorbing nutrients properly, all those healthy foods will go to waste. Enzyme nutrition is designed to restore your digestive system and allow your body to…
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McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division has launched a new app to help patients suffering from cold, flu, and allergy symptoms. Known as HEALTHYDAY, this app allows people to diagnose their symptoms on their own and seek out appropriate treatments to get better. The HEALTHYDAY app was launched at New York City’s Internet Week. It is available…
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Chiropractic has had a longstanding impact on the treatment of deafness, even though back problems seem completely separate from hearing problems. It all started with a person named D.D. Palmer. In 1895, a patient named Harvey Lillard came to Palmer because he was deaf in one ear. Palmer was a renowned healer at the time,…
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